This article will walk you through the process from first visiting the platform to have all your Runners imported and completing Challenges! 🏃‍♂️

1. Sign Up

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Note: For the trial, there can only be 1 account for each school. You’re welcome to share the login details for this account among your school, but we recommend the staff member who wishes to be the main point of contact during the trial use their details when setting up the account!


To get up and running (pardon the pun), follow these steps:

  1. Go to the following URL 👉
  2. Click ‘Sign up now’ (just under the ‘Log In’ button)
  3. Enter the following details:
  4. Make sure you’ve ticked the box declaring your agreement to the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, and click ‘Sign Up’.
  5. You’re in! 🙌

2. Import and Manage Your Runners

The Runners page shows you all of the registered Runners in your School. You can also view the stats of each Runner individually, and invite additional Runners from here too! Here’s how:

  1. Navigate to the Runners page by clicking the ‘Manage’ dropdown in the header and selecting ‘Runners’.
  2. The following page will open 👇

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Besides filtering, searching, sorting and viewing the table, there are a couple of actions you can do here…

2a. To Bulk Import Runners From a CSV File

This is a great way to get everyone from your school set up quickly so you can start running! Here’s how to do it:

  1. Click on the ‘Actions’ dropdown button in the top right of the page and select ‘Import Runners via CSV’ — this will open the Import Runners pop-up window 👇

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  2. If this is your first time using the Runner importer, click the ‘Download the CSV template link just under the uploader box 👇

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  3. Open the downloaded CSV file; you’ll see a series of columns set up with some example Runner information has been pre-filled for you to reference.

  4. Feel free to delete the example Runner information, and replace it with your School’s Runner details — just be careful not to change the top row headers!

  5. Once you’ve filled it out and made sure each Runner has something in the columns marked with a ‘(*)’, save the file, and re-upload it to the Import Runners pop-up window you originally downloaded it from (see Step 1).

  6. Click ‘Start Import’, and your Runners will start importing.

  7. This shouldn’t take long, and you’ll receive an email (to the email address you entered when signing up) to let you know the import has been completed.

  8. At this point, you can return to the Runners page, and you should see it fully populated!

2b. To Add New Runners One By One:

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If you don’t already have any Registration Groups set up, we recommend you click the ‘Manage’ dropdown in the header and select ‘Registration Groups’ to set a few up before adding Runners one by one!


This is a speedy way to add Runners one-at-a-time; great for when you just need to add 1 or 2! Here’s how to do it:

  1. Click on the ‘Actions’ dropdown button in the top right of the page and select ‘New Runner’ — this will open the New Runner form.

  2. Fill out the provided fields (fields marked with a ***** are mandatory), assign them to as many Registration Groups as you wish (class, house, etc.) in the Registration Groups field, and click ‘Create Runner’ 👇

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2c. View a Runner’s Stats:

Within Run:ED, each Runner’s profile displays information about them and their Runs. Here’s how to access it:

  1. From the Runners page, click the ‘View’ link on any Runner’s row in the table 👇

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  2. This will open the Runner’s stats page where you can see their profile information and Run stats — you can also use the ‘Edit Runner’ button on this page to update their info, or remove them from your Runner list!

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3. Set Up Your Courses

In order to accurately log the distance your Runners have travelled, we need to know the length of the Course they’re going to run around! Here’s how to add a bank of Courses for you to selected from each time you start a Run:

  1. Click on the ‘Manage’ dropdown in the header, then select ‘Courses’ from the list.

  2. Click the ‘New Course’ button in the top right corner of the page.

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